This being said, we didn't do the typical Mother's Day morning that you would expect on TV although B did get the baby up and feed him his bottle while I lounged in bed for about 15 extra minutes, and my MIL (Nana) made a lovely breakfast..and I got to start AND finish a whole cup of coffee, yay! My wonderful husband got me a cute card expressing his gratitude for me :-) and a gift certificate to Bath and Body Works (which I fully intend on using to get some relaxing bubble bath, ahhhh.... sounds nice huh?). The only thing that I missed from this morning was heading off to church to celebrate Mother's Day with all my Mommy friends and getting to stand up so everyone at church can clap for us, haha (JK...sort of). Oh well, by the time all 6 adults got cleaned up and dressed and both kids were up and dressed, it was approaching late morning. I thought C would enjoy getting outside to run around so we all headed for a great playground on the air force base around here. She had a blast and we all enjoyed watching her run around, swing, climb, and only take one nose dive down some equipment :-) Plus, all the other kids (and parents) were entertaining to watch as well! Thats usually my favorite part of the playground...does that make me weird or stalkerish? Maybe just nosy, oh well.
After the park, we grabbed a quick lunch at Captain D's - which also happened to be my first time at the on-post establishment - since we had eaten a great big "Mother's Day" dinner last night at Texas Roadhouse, of course. My in-laws and sis - and bro-in law packed up and headed home when we got back to the house and then my hubby began packing as well. He had to head out for the rest of the day and night as well. But, this time, he'll only be gone about 24 hours.
After he left, C and I just hung out and ate party food leftovers (cheese cubes, crackers, lots of strawberries and fruit dip)!
It was a lovely Mother's Day, but I will admit, I am happy to have both kids in bed now. I love my evenings without them. I still need to fold laundry and clean up a little and will inevitably be on the internet hunting down good cloth diaper websites and reading reviews on different diapers. I am so addicted to this! Oh, I did want to add a few new pics that don't specifically relate to anything, but I think you may enjoy them!
This is the first time Little D was really sitting up pretty well unassisted. He is so cute! And the last one is my big girl being a total goof ball playing in the living room with her step and a tutu, haha. I love her!

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