Today was a beautiful day here in the Southeast! C and I were able to go out back and enjoy the sun and the breeze. We even had a discussion about the difference between "wind" and "air." She asked me if what we were feeling was wind or air, so we had a little lesson. So cute!

Little D was exhausted after a long morning at the doctor's office for his 6 month well baby check-up. It was scheduled right in the middle of his morning nap, so needless to say, by the time we got home, he was ready for lunch and then a nice long (3 1/2 hour!) nap. He was quite a trooper and handled it like a pro...barely even crying after his immunizations. He is 18 lbs 1 oz(60%) and 27 1/2 in. long (85%tile). Unfortunately, he had some fluid in his ears that will need to be rechecked in 3 weeks. Hopefully it will just disappear on its own and will not cause an ear infection...
Either way, today was a very good
day! It gave me just a hint of what is to come this summer...sitting on the
back patio watching C play after lotioning her up with sunscreen and slapping a hat on her head. Our backyard has a lot of sand in it so she plays with sand toys when she's out back, haha. She digs for things and makes sand castles. I loved seeing her little pale legs in shorts for the first time this season and then smelling her little "sunscreened self" every time she came to give me a rock or flower (weed) that she found in the yard. By the end of our time outside I had a nice pile of "treasures" sitting by my chair!
I also can't help but to write about the SUPER exciting event taking place next week! My dearest husband is coming home after a 6 month deployment. He has been in South America since right after our baby was born. We talk to him frequently on the phone and on Skype (so much that 3 year old C asks, "is daddy on kype?" throughout the day). This has made is much better than it could have been but having him home will be the best thing ever. He left when D was 15 days old, so coming home to a 18 lb 6 month old is going to be quite a change. Plus, I can't wait for his help around the house. It is exhausting to have to do EVERYTHING for EVERYONE EVERYDAY! His help will be very welcomed! Plus, I miss him as my husband too. I miss holding his hand, sitting next to him in the car and at church, and certainly sleeping next to him (the pillows I prop all around me just aren't the same). And another great thing about him coming home is that he can help me make my blog look prettier! I want to upload some pictures of us, but have no idea how. I am kind of an computer dummy - fortunately, we have a Mac and I think that it was made for dummies. It is very user friendly!
So, I need to go get C in bed. She is watching Dora and will soon need to begin the bedtime process...I usually don't look forward to the "potty, brush teeth, read book, tuck-in, close door, she gets up, back to bed, she comes to the door, back to bed....repeat several times" routine, but I completely know that one day when she is older, I will completely miss it. Right now, she wants my hugs and kisses (over and over) and she wants to snuggle with me. She also still gets excited every time she uses the bathroom, so her world is just one big ball of excitement! I love it!
Hi "R"!!! Welcome to the blog world!! :) your blog looks great. ps. love the title.
ReplyDeleteYay, a comment! Thanks for reading it :-) I am glad you like the title!