I am pretty sure there is a carousel going round and round in my head making me dizzier and dizzier each minute. I feel like I have about 100 things going on in my head at any given moment. I try and prioritize exactly what needs to be done according to importance. Some things are super important (wash dirty cloth diapers before urine and feces become permanently imbedded in the organic cotton and bamboo) while others are just things I really want to be doing (like blogging on this -not THIS one- particular topic that I think of all the time). I am sure all my mommy friends can totally relate to the $1.75 carousel ride that I am infinitely riding...
Plus, I want to blog! The funny things my kids say, the way I see God work in my everyday life, my fitness tips, what I eat to lose weight, etc... So many thing I want to write down and share. But alas, I just haven't had the time.
Today as I sat in church, I decided I was going to blog tonight about something super important - just a small handful of prayer requests.
1. Please pray for the soldiers stuck in Afghanistan. Many soldiers were scheduled to come home this past weekend and this coming weekend from a year long deployment but because of the recent developments in Afghanistan, they are stuck there. Please pray that the Army would find a safe way to get these men and women home as soon as possible. Their families have been counting down the months, then weeks, then days....only to be told, "sorry, it's still going to be a little longer - we don't know exactly how much longer though." Specifically, three of the ladies in my MOPS group have husbands stuck there. All three are tired and weary and want nothing more than a joyful homecoming with their spouses.
2. Please pray for my pregnant friend and her husband. Tomorrow is her due date and still, there is no baby. If you remember from
this post last week, her husband is only home on R&R for 15 days. He has already been home for seven days. He has to head back to Iraq on April 20th. Please pray that the baby comes very soon so he can not only be here for the birth, but also for a few days afterwards as well. Here is a picture I took of them last week:

3. Please pray that my husband receives orders to go to Washington DC soon. As far as we know, the the orders have been requested, but they have not actually been granted. Please pray that we FINALLY have some closure and know for sure that we will be moving in August.