After watching The Biggest Loser last week and seeing how the show creates a video montage for the eliminated player showing how far they've come, I thought, "hey, I can do that too!" So, here is my weightloss journey in a nutshell...You can pretend I got kicked off a show and this is my big, "Goodbye, You've come so far!" video :-)
I do agree that it's a little bit vain to create a video all about me, but on the other hand, I've worked my booty off and I am proud of myself!
We are a cloth diapering, extended rear facing, Babywise following, vaccinating, God loving family of five. We live in the Washington DC area and are enjoying visiting all the history and beauty in what surrounds us. I am a 29 year old stay-at-home mom and a self proclaimed "safety nut." I love car seats, cloth diapers, babywearing and doing research on how I can keep my family safe. I find myself relying on God more and more as I get older. He is always listening. I love His attention :-)
My husband, B, is in the Army and is the hardest worker I know. We've been married for 8 years and are still finding new ways to say, "I Love You." The Army frequently calls him away from us but thanks to the internet, we are able to stay connected daily.
My beautiful daughter, C is 5 years old and is quite possibly my best friend. She is the funniest, sweetest, and most loving child all at the same time. My 2 1/2 year old son, D is the snuggliest toddler that ever did exist. He is a spitting image of my husband (who happens to be the best looking man I've ever known) and has the same sweet and gentle spirit. My newest blessing, N holds the final key to my heart. I feel like I can't stare at him long enough. I wish he could stay tiny forever...I am the luckiest mom in the world!
"WOW" says it all. I am so very proud of your accomplishments thus have inspired so many others. Me among them! I love you.
ReplyDeleteI am just so in awe! You are just beautiful and inspirational! Congrats on your transformation! Your husband is going to LOVE IT!