Its been on my mind for a while now...
"How can I make some extra money for our family?"
I have seriously considered selling Mary Kay and becoming a Beachbody Coach. I have thought about going back to work at the new hospital in town. I have even looked up jobs. But the childcare gets me every time. Not only do I not want to have to use it, but we simply cannot afford it.
Then it came to me as I thought seriously about all of this...
Do what you love. Love what you do. Make money while doing it.
*Thats it* - PHOTOGRAPHY!!!
I love pictures more than most. I take a million. I post a million. You can blame my mom for this craziness. She loved pictures and has always taken gobs of them. My sisters and I can turn on a smile faster than she can get the lens cap cover off her camera.
Up until now, my children have been my only little subjects. I must admit though, they are fun to photograph. C has found a love of the camera. D still looks the other way. And little N - well, he just loves me and will smile for me any time I call his name (I am so blessed!).
I don't know how to photograph other people's children yet.
I don't know much about editing.
I don't have the best photography equipment (can you even call my camera and two lenses "equipment" anyway?).
I have no idea how to get started.
All I know is that I love taking pictures. I like my pictures. Other people generally like my pictures. I love to learn. I learn fast. My hubby is a graphic designer. He knows photoshop inside and out. He also knows how to make websites.
I think, with his help, I can do this.
My goal is to take this new venture slowly. I am not going to jump right in blindfolded with my feet tied.
It will be more like...tip toeing very slowly in the cold creek...
If you have any advice on how I can get myself started on this, PLEASE let me know. As with everything I do, I will be researching, reading, and testing in the meantime.
Just today, my lovely husband sat down and gave me a brief photoshop lesson. Check out my first attempt at editing some of my photographs! I am pretty pleased for day no.1's work!
(Feel free to click on any of the images to make them larger)

I will definitely keep you updated on my progress as I develop my skills and figure out what I'm doing :-) Thanks for always being supportive. I have a very good feeling about this.
In fact, its more than a "feeling." Its a Peace.
And on that note, I'm off to