Tomorrow is my 27th birthday, so I thought I'd write a little blurb about some of the things I've done in my lifetime...
1. I was raised in a loving home with 2 wonderful sisters and parents who have been married for over 30 years.
2. I have had more pets than I can recall (well, I probably could if I thought hard enough).
3. I was a gymnast as a little kid and even competed in meets :-)
4. Then I played Tennis through high school.
5. I was in band through middle school, high school and some in college. I played the alto sax, but did have a brief stint with the baritone sax (the BIG one) in my senior year of high school. And I was the drum major for 2 years in high school.
6. I went on my first date when I was 15...I will not let C date until she is older than this :-)
7. I went to every school dance that I could - but I do not like to dance.
8. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 15.
9. I am still very good friends with a few of my friends from high school...we've been friends for 12 or more years! I am currently speaking of LH (figure it out if you're reading this!), RK (my name twin), and A, my lovely maid of honor :-)
13. I knew my hubby in high school, but didn't date him until College. We got married 2.5 years after that. We had a big and beautiful wedding!
14. I have now been married for almost 6 years.
15. I have moved 7 times since getting married!
16. I graduated from the University of Georgia. Go Dawgs! I have a degree in Social Work.
17. I used my degree for a few years and worked one job that I hated (Behavior Specialist) and one that I loved (Family Advocate).
18. I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. It was then that I realized how much my own mom loves me. You only know when you become a mom yourself...
19. I became an Army wife.
20. I bought a minivan, and I LOVE it!
21. I gave birth to a sweet baby boy. It was then that I learned that the heart can grow twice as big to love every bit as much the second time around.
Certainly I have done many more things than this, but these are the things that stand out the most. I guess they have had the biggest impact on me and who I am. I still hope to have more babies, get a nursing degree and be an RN, go to Europe, vacation in Hawaii, live in a big house with more than enough space...or maybe just one that has a spare room that I can use as a playroom, buy a newer minivan with cooler features, live in a location that gets real snow and allows me to wear all the beautiful LL Bean clothes I love to look at in catalogs, become a grandparent, celebrate 25 yrs...50 yrs...75 yrs? with my dear husband, and retire comfortably. Here are a few pics form the last 27 years :
Me and my youngest sister moving me into college my sophomore year.

A snapshot of me during my bridal portrait session.

Me and my sisters. I was probably 13 years old and in the 8th grade.

Just before 9th grade...the first time I put on my band uniform.

In my senior year of high school. I was the drum major in the picture.

On my 3rd birthday...same age as my sweet C.

I don't know for sure when this was, but I can assume I was between 12-18 months old.

16 1/2. Met the Price's.