We traveled home this past week/weekend for my sister in law's wedding and D's first birthday party. He turns one on October 23rd, so we thought we'd throw a birthday bash while we were there :-) I could not have prepared myself for how hectic the visit was going to be though. We arrived home last Wednesday evening and starting Thursday it was go go go go go.... I had so much fun getting a manicure and pedicure with both my sisters in law and my mother in law. It was such a treat to have a girly morning with them - plus I hadn't had my nails done since I gave birth last year! (they looked pretty bad...poor pedicure girl) I just smile every time I get a glimpse of my beautiful toes!
Friday morning I went shopping with my mom to get all the birthday party food and the rest of the favors. Friday afternoon/evening was spent with B's family pre-celebrating the marriage at Longhorn Steakhouse...again another luxury for us!! B and I hadn't eaten at a really good place like that in a long time! I have to pause and tell you about the few minutes after dinner that was so special to me. B was heading out with all the wedding guys to go to Dave and Busters for some fun, so C and I decided to walk down the sidewalk to the Carter's store to get her a pair of winter PJs. Try and envision this with me because it was the picture of the moment that was so cute...So, it was about 7:30pm and was dark outside. It was an especially cool evening so C was wearing her puffy down vest over her purple velour dress and hot pink tights. (And silvery glitter ballet flats!). She stepped out of Longhorn to discover that all the white twinkle lights were lit in the trees that line the shopping area. It really does look magical and holidayish, haha. So, she got so excited and said, "Look, the lights are in the trees!! It's almost Christmas!!" She then skipped joyfully next to me as we held hands walking down to Carter's. Because it was Friday night, there were a lot of people out and it just felt like the holidays were nearing. This is my favorite time of year and just seeing my daughter enjoying the magic of it all was such a blessing! We did proceed to pick out the perfect pair of winter PJs and got them on sale too! Could the evening get better?? Yes!! We then went over to my mother in law's house where all the girls went and hung out and chatted while B's aunt decorated the wedding cake...it was a GREAT evening!
Saturday was super busy with wedding happenings and then the 2 hour drive to the wedding in Helen, GA. It was so fun though. The wedding was small and intimate but so perfect for the special couple. C danced her heart out on the dance floor until they started taking down decorations and turned off the music...she even continued to dance when I got her in her PJs for the ride home, haha. My sister in law and new brother in law are now on their honeymoon and I am sure they are enjoying some time away from the rest of the world to focus on their new marriage. Yay!! Praise God for marriage :-) Here are just a few of my favorite pics from the day.
Mother and daughter after getting hair and make up done. I love this picture!
All the girls before heading to Helen for the wedding
Their first dance.

After the bride and groom had their dance, they invited the kids up. This "family dance" was so great. This moment actually made me tear up...

Love them!

C busting a move with the big girls!

The bride and groom!

Hehe, me and my sister in law dancing :-)

Sunday was D'd birthday party and boy was it hectic! My mom baked the cake and cupcakes while I was at the wedding the night before and then woke up at 5am to prepare the crock pot mac and cheese so it would be done by the 11am party. She also baked the baked beans! Yum! I was so fortunate to have assistance with this since I was too busy to do most of it. I did arrange everything and make the dip though!! haha. I had so much fun with all the party guests. We now all bring a ton of babies since we are all about the same child bearing age. In attendance were 7 children under the age of three and a half! It was crazy but very fun. Poor D was teething and getting a cold so he was pretty tired, but he held up like a champ. He got so many wonderful gifts as well. It really is such a blessing to have friends and family that spoil him with the things that I can't afford to spoil him with, haha. After the party, B and I (and D) ran up to the Mall of GA with his mom, sister and nephew to get his mom and new computer. It was so nice to run out there and eat dinner at the food court with him. It brought back a lot of memories since he and I were habitual mall goers when we were dating and newly married. We love mall walking and people-watching. It was a great outing :-)
One of my favorite pics...I love his messy hands

My best friend and all the kiddos...she looks so happy amongst all the craziness!

Now, after a 7.5 hour car ride, we're back at home. It was a rough ride home since D still didn't feel well. He cried most of the ride and only slept for about 90 minutes. But we made it home safe and sound. Now we count down until B deploys in less than 2 weeks. Bummer!