Remember last month when I took the plunge and bought my daughter a high back booster seat?
Well, I feel obligated to tell you how that issue has ended. After about a week of using it when we bought it, I reinstalled her 5 pt harness seat and moved the booster to the garage. I just felt better with her in her old seat. Then she needed it to travel in a friend's car...where it performed just fine. I then tried it again in my van. After another week of use in the van, I have once again, taken it back out.
It's not that I don't think its a good seat. I think its an EXCELENT booster seat. And I know that my daughter is fully big enough to be in a booster seat (she is well over the 4 years old, 40lb, 38in minimum). In fact, she is now 4 years 9 months old, 45 1/2 inches, and about 44lbs. She's pretty big for her age.
My problem is that the seat just doesn't seem to fit very well in my vehicle. The seatbelt issue (see previous post) where the belt doesn't retract well is just too annoying of an issue for me. I have read plenty of reviews online where users loved the seat and have bought multiples for their kids. Unfortunately, in my vehicle the seat just doesn't work as well.
Which leads me to my next point:
A good car seat is only as good as how well it is used and how well it fits the vehicle.
In my case, buying one of the more expensive seats - and one of the very safest - didn't turn out to be the best decision. Since I have thrown away the box, I am now stuck with the seat.
I am currently trying to sell it on craigslist and on another local site for slightly less than I paid. I am hoping I can find another family that can use it and have it fit better in the vehicle. I am sure over time, I will be able to do this - at least, I pray that I do! Haha.
If it doesn't sell, we will use it as a back up seat in my husband's car or in my mom's car when needed. For now, C is back in her beloved 5 pt harness car seat. Her seat does convert to a high back booster, but I am not ready to switch it. She still fits beautifully in it harnessed. She never complains about the harness anyway. Its all she's ever known. Here is that awesome seat - a Graco Nautilus - one the the best purchases I've ever made:

Anyway, I just thought you may like an update :-)
And, for those of you that are still interested...
This is the seat I am considering replacing the Britax Booster with:

Its the Graco High Back Booster. It looks like the slots that the seat belt slide through are quite a bit wider than the Britax slots, so I am thinking the seatbelt would have more room to retract! Plus, it is half the price of the Britax. Which is always a plus! Now to sell the Britax to fund the Graco...
That Graco high back booster is the EXACT one (style and all) that purchased last summer and we love it. All of my cousins also have this model and all rave about it too, that helped me make my decision on what to get.