Not long ago, I wrote an entry all about my new double stroller for D and the baby. I chose a double stroller for them based on everything I have learned about strollers in the past 5 years as a mom. My likes, dislikes, what is REALLY important, and what is not so important. I have yet to fine the PERFECT stroller, but I do know what I like and what I don't like.
I really like the Baby Jogger City Micro Double I got for the boys. It folds up compactly and fits through all doorways. It also holds each child up to 50lbs. It fits the bill in many ways!
After being a mom of little kids for quite some time, I have learned that I need multiple strollers. I do not know how moms do it with only one. I need a double for when I have 2 small children in a place where they need to be contained. Or when we are out for a LONG day of walking - going to DC, the zoo, the amusement park, etc... I have learned that I need a single stroller because I don't always take multiple children with me. Also, I know that D is going to outgrow the need to constantly use a stroller. He will begin to walk on some outings probably in the next 6-9 months. I will not want to be lugging the double stroller around on everyday errands when he isn't riding in one of the seats :-)
I will admit I have a bit of an addiction when it comes to strollers. I have known about this for quite some time, but didn't realize how bad it had become until I counted just HOW MANY strollers I have owned in the past 5 years...want to take a guess?
Its kind of embarrassing...
I have owned 12 strollers!
Each stroller has a story as to why I purchased it and to why I no longer have it. I must share with you my stroller journey because I believe there is much to be learned from a mom who has owned 12 strollers.
1. Eddie Bauer Travel System - I bought this stroller/car seat combo for C when I was still pregnant. I did NO research on this. I simply found it on sale at Big Lots for $99. (I have learned a lot since then...) I hated the car seat, so I consigned it as soon as she outgrew it. I liked the stroller, but when I was pregnant with D, I figured I wouldn't have any use for a single stroller any more. I gave it to a pregnant teenager at my church who was in need of some baby equipment. I don't regret giving it to her at all, but I do regret getting rid of a perfectly good stroller.

2. Britax lightweight stroller - I was SO excited to be getting this awesome lightweight/umbrella style stroller. It folded up well and didn't take up near as much room in my trunk at the travel system stroller did. Too bad it didn't turn well. My mom couldn't steer the thing AT ALL. It was impossible to steer one handed (if you were carrying a drink or something). It quickly became a huge pain because of the steering. I was sure there was a better answer - I consigned this and only lost $10 in the whole deal :-) I continued to use the travel system stroller instead (until I gave it away of course).
3. Fisher Price Sit N Stand - I figured this was the answer for my newborn and toddler daughter a few years ago. I bought it at a consignment store and I only paid $90. What I didn't take into consideration was that it was HUGE, HEAVY, and HARD to turn. I hardly ever used it because it was just a pain in the neck. It took up the entire trunk of my van. I sold it on craigslist for exactly what I paid for it :-) Not a bad deal.

4. Baby Trend Fixed Wheel Double Jogger - My mom bought this for me when I was pregnant with D so that I could stroll in the outdoors with both my kiddos. She bought it from a consignment store and only paid about a $100. I used it quite a bit for walks and outdoor outings. I decided I wanted to upgrade to a swivel wheel double jogger after using this one for about 18 months. I sold it on craigslist for $100 :-) Which is exactly what my mom originally paid for it. Not bad at all!

5. Cheap Umbrella Stroller - I acquired this cheapo umbrella stroller for FREE when I purchased my Graco infant car seat for D. Babies R Us was running a special where you got a free umbrella stroller with the purchase of some sort of baby gear item. I still have the stroller. We have only used it a handful of times. One of the wheels doesn't turn at all. Mostly, my kids push each other around the garage in it.
6. Lightweight Jeep Stroller - I bought this stroller for D when I realized I did indeed need a single stroller despite having 2 children small enough to ride in a stroller. I thought it was the answer to all my stroller issues. It was compact, lightweight, and cute. Too bad it made my little baby slouch and slide forward in the seat. He just looked very uncomfortable in, he was sitting more on the small of his back than on his behind. I consigned this stroller. I am sure I lost money in the deal, but I didn't care. I didn't like the stroller.

7. Graco Quattro Tour stroller - I bought this stroller for D at a consignment store for only $40. I bought it because it did it all....flat recline, huge basket, ratcheting canopy, cup holders everywhere, and it turned easily. I loved it. I loved it so much that I still own it and use it almost daily. The ONLY downside to this stroller is that is is huge. It folds up huge and its huge to push. I keep wanting to get rid of it and just use something smaller but every time I try a smaller stroller, it fails and I end up back with this one. I just can't shake it...I love all its features too much.
8. Graco LiteRider - I bought this one when I was still seeking out the perfect lightweight stroller. It resembled all the features of the BIG Graco but it was more compact and was much lighter. I LOVED it!! I used it for quite some time before my husband accidently left it on the loading docks of Ikea one evening. *Sigh* It was an accident of course. We were just so excited about our Ikea purchases that after loading our furniture and kids in the car, we hopped in the van and drove off....leaving the stroller there. Clearly, we lost money in that deal.

10. Baby Trend Navigator Double Jogger - I bought this one to replace the fixed-wheel double jogger after I sold it. I only had it for about 30 days. It was just way too huge and the fabric seemed flimsy. I thought it may rip at any moment. Thanks to the Babies R Us return policy, I got back every dime.

12. Baby Jogger City Micro Double - My current double stroller. Again, it fits through doorways, maneuvers like a dream, has a decent sized basket, has pockets on the backs of both seats to hold things, and holds my children comfortably. I think its a great stroller and I look forward to using it for years!

This whole journey leads me to where I am today. I currently use the big heavy Graco Quattro Tour single stroller for D. It stays in my van and is used almost daily. It takes up just about the ENTIRE back of my van. Its is an awesome stroller but when I travel, it just takes up way too much room - at least as much as a large suitcase. Many times, I have thought about just leaving it behind. Unfortunately, I have to make room for it because I HAVE to have a stroller for my son! With 3 children, traveling is going to be tight as it is. I need a smaller stroller. I don't want to sacrifice any of the features though....But, it will not be posible to drive to Atlanta with my van packed as full as its going to be AND drag around this monster of a stroller.
So in just a few weeks I will be purchasing my LAST stroller. (It better be the last anyway) I have done tons of research and have read gobs of reviews. I have even watched youtube video stroller reviews. I found a stroller that indeed "has it all" but after playing with it in person at the baby store, it doesn't feel very sturdy. I am pretty sure that would annoy me. It is this one...the Peg Perego Pliko P3. Sadly it will not be my stroller.

Its the Baby Jogger City Mini and I think it rocks!

It better be my last stroller. Ever!
It will be No. 13....Lucky 13!