As of today, have officially been in Virginia for six months. I can't believe it's already been that long! It still seems like I am adjusting to our "new" area. I have learned a lot of the roads and we have found our new favorite restaurants. I have joined a MOPS group and a PWOC bible study. We have also recently joined a wonderful church. C goes to pre-K and has made friends. Even D has made a friend!
I have made a good handful of friends at church and at some of my women's groups. Just last week I even played bunco with a group of gals from C's preschool. B is enjoying his job at the White House Communications Agency. He completed all his training and is now going on trips regularly. He has fit right in and is shinning in his job just as usual. He stands out no matter where he goes. :-) And he finally got promoted!
We have gotten D involved in speech therapy and are seeing a lot of progress. C played soccer in the Fall and is already planning her Spring athletics here on post. She's already looking forward to Cheerleading camp this summer.
We've also seen a variety of seasons here! It was scorching hot in August and freezing cold in January. We've seen snow and have had to buy a snow shovel for the first time.
Oh, and I have gotten pregnant and grown a baby in my belly for the past 28 weeks :-) I've enjoyed seeing midwives for the first time with this pregnancy - its been different but very exciting!
I'd say we've been pretty busy for the last few months, haha. For me, this has been a hard transition. I have missed my friends back in NC quite a bit. I guess I got really attached to the girls there when B was deployed, so leaving them and my house was really tough. I am so blessed to have found some friends here though. It has helped ease this transition greatly to have some friendly faces that recognize me and that come to expect me at various engagements. I miss my family a lot since I can't make the 11 hour drive quite as easily as I could make the 6 1/2 hour drive from NC. Fortunately, we've had my in-laws come visit as well as my parents and my sister and brother-in-law. Hopefully my in-laws and my mom will come back again when the baby is born in April. I sure will need the help!
I look forward to the next six months but I am definitely nervous about adding a new baby into the mix. I know he will fit right in, but I know it will take some adjusting to having a newborn around the house again - the crying, the diapers, the pacis, the baby food, etc. Ahh!
We'll be here in Virginia for several years, and I know that this place will become "home" to us. Its hard to see it now, but I am sure it will be hard to say goodbye when we eventually have to leave to wherever the Army sends us next. As friendships are formed and strengthened, leaving just never gets any easier. I think I have cried as I left every city we've ever lived in.
Here is just a few pictures of some of the things we've done since we've lived here. We've done A LOT! Here's to the next six months...and beyond!
Gone to DC with Family

Enjoyed a Fall Festival

Played in the snow

Completed Smart Start Soccer
Potty Trained!
Had my parents come for Thanksgiving

And here's how I looked when we moved here...

And here is how I look now...

Another great blog...summed up your first 6 months pretty well I'd say. Love you and miss you like crazy. I also wish you weren't 11 hours from home. I'd come up tomorrow!