1. Hands down, the best baby product this time around has been the Beco Butterfly II baby carrier. N has decided that he hates his infant car seat, so I can't tote him around in it to stores and restaurants like I have done in the past (or as you would see every other mom in the world doing). The baby carrier has been a life saver! He loves it. I love it. If you're having a baby any time soon or have an infant already, I would highly suggest getting one!
2. Gas Drops. That pretty much sums it up. Oh, and I don't buy official Mylicon. I buy Target generic drops. They work wonders for an upset tummy full of gas pressure.
3. Mam Pacifiers - I have always been a fan of using a paci. C loved her Mam paci, but D refused to take one. He ended up finding his thumb and now at 2 1/2 years old, I have yet to be able to get him to quit sucking it. So....I would say the Mam paci is a way better option :-)
4. Huggies Little Snugglers diapers. Yes, I had intended to cloth diaper my newborn. I do still intend on using all my cloth diapers from D's diaper days, but it turns out, disposables are a bit easier for us at this stage of life. N goes through a billion diapers a day. I do enjoy using a handful of cloth diapers here and there, but until he fits in my "All-in-One" style diapers from D (probably in the next month), Huggies Little Snugglers have worked wonderfully! They hold in breast-fed poop and they fit him perfectly.
5. My Camera. Its a Nikon D-50 and I have taken more pictures than I care to admit since N has arrived. I love capturing his every moment. I have gotten so many beautiful pictures. I am just thankful to have such a wonderful camera.

6. Fisher Price Baby Papasan seat - After N falls asleep when I'm holding him, he loves to continue napping in this seat. It doesn't bounce like a bouncy seat, but it vibrates and snuggles him just perfectly. He clearly loves it :-)
7. The Boppy. Up until now, I have used the Boppy for nearly every single nursing session. N is just now getting big enough for me to hold him cradled without a pillow or with just a regular couch pillow. Now I just use the Boppy about half the time. But still, its a huge help to have around!
8. The Woombie. N sleeps so well safely swaddled up in his Woombie. I would recommend this to anyone with a newborn. It swaddles differently than regular swaddling blankets because it allows the baby to move and wiggle. It stretches gently to allow little arms to move and legs to stretch. I believe it helps N sleep longer than he would if he wasn't in it, and I don't have to keep checking on him to see if any part of a typical swaddling blanket has crept up around his face. At 7 weeks old, he already sleeps for 7 hours at night. I think thats pretty good for a 10 pounder! I will be buying the next size up in the next few days. He is about to outgrow the "newborn" size...
I am so thankful for these AWESOME products! I will probably do another one of these posts as N gets a little bigger and our needs change :-)
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