I am quite passionate about some things. You should know this by now. In case you live under a rock, those things would be safety, cloth diapers, and my kiddos....oh, and strollers.
There are, of course, things I am not passionate about at all. Like, bikes, insects, and sewing for instance.
I like to classify my passions into two groups...
1. Things that only I care about that don't affect you at all...basically, I could care less if you share these passions or not.
-This would be my love of cloth diapering, obsession with strollers, and well, my own personal children.
2. Things I am passionate about that do affect you and your family. Basically, things I think you should be passionate about too!
-Best example of this is my passion for safety. Mostly car safety and SIDS prevention (something I don't write about often, but still care about very much). These are things that I think every parent should research and and form their own opinions on AFTER doing proper research.)
Today I want to add a new passion to the first list.
Is it any surprise that by my third child, I have come to realize that I need my hands free? I am not an octopus, so I cannot hold my baby in one hand and make lunch for the older two with the other.
With both the previous children, I would have said, "put the baby down and let him/her fuss while you get done what needs to be done." That was the way I have previously parented.
BUT, with baby no. 3, things are totally different. First of all, he's my baby. THE baby of our family. I want to carry him and tote him around as much as possible. I want him to learn that I am his mommy and that he can always trust me to hold him, rock him, and tend to his needs. When he cries for anyone else in the world, I want to walk in the room and hold him in my arms and have him immediately relax and calm down.
Maybe I am selfish for wanting that. But I don't really care. He's my baby and thats how I am going to do it. If I complain about him being glued to me when he's 2, you can reference this blog entry. I will then shut my mouth.
I have also done much research (surprise surprise!) about the benefits of babywearing in a proper ergonomic carrier. After having a variety of different carriers with C and D, I had no idea that toting a baby around could be SO comfortable! And most importantly, SO good for my baby's and my own emotional well being. I feel good wearing him. And he loves being tucked up close to me.
Here are a few pictures of our baby wearing adventure...
His first time in our Beco Butterly II. He was 4 or 5 days old.
And at 9 days old...at the National Harbor Build a Bear
In a cheap Seven Slings Sling. I wouldn't recommend this sling because N got too big for it VERY quickly (I assume most babies will outgrow this sling quickly. You'd probably have to buy a variety of sizes). If you want mine, let me know. I will send it to you for just the cost of shipping :-)

Getting bigger in the Beco!!!

And in our new Sleeping Baby Productions Ring Sling...ahhh, comfort and LOVE!!

Snoozing on me for a brief morning nap.
Hands Free Nursing! Say WHAT??? Yes, its true!

The sling doubles as a blanket when I slip him out of after he conks out.
Raising the next generation of baby wearers...C and "Purple Baby"
"Put me to bed, mommy..."

Soooo stinkin cute! That sling is the bomb!