Has it really been over a week since I've blogged? The date on my last entry says it was April 4th...thats over a week, so yep, I guess so!
Sorry about that. You may have thought that I had gone off and had the baby and had a REAL reason to be busy. But no, the baby is still safe and sound in my belly for now - although I am 2 cm dilated and the baby is head-down and as active as ever!
I have been very busy this week though. Every spare moment I have is spent either preparing for the baby in some way or resting/napping (if I'm being honest). I have been packing my bag for the hospital, packing the baby's diaper bag, packing my kids' bag to have here at home so nobody has to go searching through their drawers for clean clothes while I'm away. I have been vacuuming and putting away clothes left and right. I've cleaned out the car several times and I just remembered tonight that I need to bathe the dog and change my sheets...seriously, this is how my mind works. It just jumps from one "needs-to-be-done-task" to the next without any kind of rhyme or reason.
Last night I realized I couldn't find my slippers to take to the hospital. I got all nervous that I may go into labor and not have anything to walk around in so I quickly ran out to Target to get some. At 9pm, I learned that April is not a good time of the year to be slipper shopping. I had about three options. These ugly things are what I went home with because they fit the best and they were the most comfortable. I am ignoring the fact that they match nothing and that they are pretty funny looking...

B made it home just in time to get everything prepared for C's 5th birthday party at our house over the weekend. I was stressed about getting the house clean and making sure I had everything I needed to make the cupcakes, ice cream sundaes, and the two crafts that we had planned. Oh, and of course, the balloons to decorate. We were throwing a Strawberry Shortcake "craft" party and had about 10 little friends coming over.
As I stayed busy on Friday getting things done for the party, I planned on cleaning everything Saturday morning. I figured there wouldn't be too much use in cleaning while my kids were still running around playing and "living" in the house.
But, as does sometimes happen, the Lord tossed us a bit of a curve ball Saturday morning when my friend down the street went into labor with her third baby. I was her designated care-taker for her older two children, ages 2 1/2 and 5. Bless her heart, she knew Saturday was C's party so she wanted to make SURE it was real labor before calling to ask if she could bring the kids over. When she finally went to the hospital, she was already 7cm dilated, haha. I love how we women are sometimes!! She even made her kids pancakes before heading out the door to go deliver baby no.3!
Needless to say, having two extra kiddos hanging out with us as we finished cleaning and decorating did make he day slightly more hectic, but overall, everything still went perfectly! D napped, the kids ate lunch, and we ended up with a WONDERFUL little party. C had a blast and I think the other children enjoyed themselves as well.
Oh, and my friend did have the baby - a beautiful little girl!
Here are a few pictures from the party :-) I can't believe C is getting SO big. I couldn't be more proud of my sweet daughter. She is one of the Lord's finest creations and I truly delight in watching her grow up. She continues to amaze me with her generosity, kindness, strength, and love on a daily basis.
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