While B has been gone (still is...bummer), the kids and I came to Atlanta to visit with my parents, friends, and family. It has been a very eventful 10 days here! I thought I'd share a few of the highlights because, well, we've had a lot of them!
The first incident that nearly scared me to death was when I went to get D up one of the first mornings we were here and I discovered that he had pulled the monitor cord in through the slats of his crib and had it wrapped once around his NECK! Ahhh! Now, he was perfectly fine and was just playing with the remaining cord in his hands, but it still scared me terribly because of what
could have happened. I use one of the video monitors so the "camera" is positioned on the wall above the crib...which leaves the cord hanging down next to the crib. This has never been a problem since he hasn't been nearly as mobile as he is now. I will now make sure that the cord is never even remotely within reach of my little octopus.
I wrote earlier about how C stuck a piece of "paper" up her nose, but I never followed up with the end result of that. Long story short, she started sneezing a lot the next day so I helped her blow each nostril individually and eventually, I could see the "paper" and I pulled out a fingernail size piece of a plastic straw wrapper. Oh, poor baby, she had a piece of juice box plastic straw wrapper up her nose for almost 24 hours! Fortunately, she seems to have learned from this and has told me several times that, "we don't put things up our nose." Smart Girl.
Over the weekend, we had some good friends come over to swim with us. C certainly enjoyed playing with the other children and I certainly enjoyed kissing on my best friend's almost 4 month old baby girl. I am pretty sure God gave babies soft chubby cheeks just so that they could be kissed by the adults that love them :-) C was so worn out after the morning of swimming with her friends, she actually took a nice long nap that afternoon (this is a rare occurance in our household)!
And today was a eventful day all in itself, haha. My parents took me and the kids out to breakfast and then my mom and I ran errands for a couple of hours afterwards with the kids. This afternoon, I tried to teach little D how to crawl. He is 8 months old now and I know C was crawling really well by 8 months so I thought maybe he just needed to be taught how to do it. Here are a few pics of me trying to teach him:

And here is a super sweet one of both kids :-)

And here is my girl flying like an airplane!

The most recent eventful incident was after I put D to bed tonight. Since the last incident in the crib, I have moved him up stairs to sleep in the portacrib in the bedroom next to mine. Well, this evening about an hour after I put him to bed, he started fussing and crying, so I went to check on him. The little guy had pulled the floor length curtain through the crib slats and was laying on it and had half of it over his face and head! Oh my goodness! I removed the curtain which allowed him to see me (which of course made him smile - so lovely!) and moved the crib
further away from the window. He rolled back over and stuck him thumb in his mouth and fell right back to sleep. This kid is truly an octopus and nothing seems to be out of his reach! I have to be more careful. These were scary incidents...
Here are a few more pictures from our visit as well: