I feel like I haven't written in quite a while, so while my children are playing quietly in the next room, I thought I'd write a little bit.
I have spent the last 10 days at my mom and dad's house in Atlanta for the Thanksgiving holidays, and while I enjoyed getting away from my normal day to day stuff, I am ready to return back home to it tomorrow. I have my MOPS group Wednesday and C's ballet class on Thursday. This weekend my in-laws are coming to visit to watch C's first ballet recital Saturday morning. I have mixed feelings about this recital. See, it is her first one and I know it's going to be adorable and very memorable. I am sure I will take 100 pictures and then post them everywhere. I know I will be somewhat sad as well though because my husband isn't there to watch her first recital with me. I will video it for him, but I know it isn't the same. He's missing a milestone. He'll also miss her first Christmas singing program at school this month. Oh how it delights me when I hear her in the back of the car sweetly singing childish tunes of Mary, Jesus, and Christmas. I can't wait for this performance either - although I know I will feel his absence.
On a different note, I am very excited that thanks to Operation Homefront, on December 4th, I get to go toy shopping for free for both my children. We qualified for their Christmas program. This is going to help out with Christmas for the kids so much! I feel so blessed that we were one of the families that benefited from the generosity of others!! Praise God for this wonderful opportunity!
I still have B's job situation on my heart. It's pretty much constanlty there, haha. God is still having us wait...and wait. I am 100% sure He has a purpose for the waiting, but I can't help but wish we'd get an answer. For those of you that don't know this situation, B has applied for a job within the Army and is very close to getting it and then receiving orders for us to move to the Washington DC area. He and I both want this for him and for our family so much, and we know God knows our hearts. I know that the Lord's plan is without fault and in that I trust Him. I have recently furthered my understanding in, "have faith, trust Him" and mostly, "Do not be afraid." It is so much more than I ever grasped before. Maybe this will be the week that we hear a "yes" and we celebrate, or maybe a solid "no" and we can move on. Either way, today we wait with confidence.
Lastly, if you are reading this please pray for our travels back home tomorrow (Tuesday). We've had a difficult time of sicknesses these past few weeks. C has been on antibiotics for 4 weeks for an ear infection. We had to go twice to the pediatric urgent care clinic here in Atlanta for antibiotic shots since nothing oral seemed to be working. She is now on one more round and is having some bowel side effects. I am concerened about drivng 7 hours with a preschooler who has little control over her bathroom urges. D has also been sick and hasn't been sleeping well. Please pray he sleeps so I can sleep before we drive...and then once we get home so I can survive, haha. I just heard Michelle Duggar (mom of 19 children) say that she was sleep deprived because of a sick baby but that it was just such a blessing that the baby was recovering. She said, "I can sleep later." Well said, Michelle. I can sleep later too. Just remind me of that at 5am when D wakes up. :-)
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
4 days ago