Thursday, February 18, 2010

One more...I promise its the last one...this month.

I have a lot of things that I would really love to blog about, but lately I can't seem to focus on them long enough to compose a meaningful blog entry. Honestly, there has been only one thing on my mind in the past week or so - my husband. I can only write about how much I miss him so much, so I won't make a whole long blog entry about it. Mostly, I just ask for your prayers for our family during this time. He's been gone almost 4 months and here at our house, we all miss him terribly. C talks about him all the time...mostly what she wants to do with him when he comes home. I am completely to the point of having mini-meltdowns. One yesterday and then again today. I am kind-of over the hump of feeling so overwhelmed with the children day in and day out. I've gotten used to being alone with them. Now I just miss him.

He is the man God gave to me and without him I truly feel like a part of me is missing. I don't think there is any sin in day dreaming about my own husband every day, but it seems to just make me miss him more. Please pray for peace in my well as in his heart. By no means are we the only couple going through this right now, but that doesn't actually make it any easier. I have started feeling sick to my stomach in the past few days and I know its due to stress - which is the stress I am feeling because I miss him. God has blessed me with great friends in my MOPS group as well as a wonderful group of "ballet moms" to chat with about my situation. Every one of them can relate to what I am going through. They are never too busy to lend a caring ear and offer a supportive hug. I don't know what I would do without them every week. Please just pray for us. B is currently speaking with the folks up in Washington DC and actively trying to get orders. There is a small chance the orders could be for this Spring (bringing him home early) but it is more likely they will be for early this Fall. Please pray that there can be a way for him to get home early and get orders for this Spring. Thanks a lot for reading ONE MORE blog entry about me missing B. Clearly, he's all that I can think of right now :-)
Here is the face that I can't get off my mind :-)
Here's me putting on a brave face before beginning a killer workout...trying to take my mind off of him :-)

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