My sister, brother-in-law, and I took C to Stone Mountain Park to the Christmas celebration last night. We had taken her last year and had so much fun that I thought we really had to do it again. To my surprise, we had even MORE fun this year!! Check out our pictures that highlight some of the things we did. This was the perfect way to get the "feeling" of Christmas :-) I can't wait to go next year when my dear husband can join us!

The Bubble man made HUGE bubbles!

At the 4D Theatre

We had SO much fun!!!!

C loved the beautiful carolers

All smiles during the parade.

Then she got a light up butterfly wand. She LOVED this thing, haha.

On Uncle William's shoulders...staring at the butterfly wand.

Before we rode the train. It was getting colder and colder...

She got to visit the Snow Angel

In the Snow Angel's castle.

She was exhausted by the end of the night!
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