Thursday, January 14, 2010

His Love

Oh how great is His love for me. I must share the goodness I've seen in the Lord the past two days. It's amazing and brings me humbly to tears. Does He ever do that to you? This may seem long as you look at it, but believe me, these two stories are worth the read :-)

After a busy week of children, preschool, and errands, I found myself out of a very necessary feminine hygiene item yesterday that just couldn't wait. I longed for Walgreens to offer a tampon drive through, but alas, they haven't invented that yet, so I loaded up the kids to head to WalMart one more time. We had already been to WalMart or Target each day this week for something and I just wanted to stay home for once. I wasn't feeling very good. I was tired of dragging the kids everywhere I went. I was grumbling in my soul....can you hear it? Do you know the feeling?

Okay, back to my story, so I get the kids in the van, start the car, pull out of the driveway (thinking I should get Midol too since I was so crabby), and as I headed down my street, I clicked on the radio and turned up the volume -

You're not alone, For I am here,
Let Me wipe away your every fear,
My love I've never left your side,
I have seen you through the darkest night,
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life,
All your life.

This (click to listen) is what can out of the speakers without missing a beat - this chorus - WOW! The tears came flowing and a sigh of surrender followed. He speaks and He speaks real words. I suddenly felt capable of making it to WalMart and back. I felt Him in the van with me. Not just in His kingdom hearing my prayers and loving me but right there with me. Next to me. Perhaps I even sat in His holy lap. I listened to the rest of the song and cried through it as my Father spoke to me. I am not alone. B may be gone and I may feel alone, but I am not.

I love when the Lord of heaven and earth speaks to me and to my spirit. I am so special!!! You are too!!!

Okay, next humbling moment was today on the playground. C befriended this little 2.5 year old boy and his mom while running around while I tried to help D down some of the baby slides. When I saw the sweet mama pushing her son and C on the swings, I felt I needed to go tend to my child, so I packed kicking and screaming D back into his stroller and headed over there to push her. The mom and I got to chatting as I expected and I learned she and her hubby had just moved to the area in December. We talked about our not-so-exciting city and that her husband was deploying any day to Haiti leaving her and her son home alone in this new place. She introduced herself to me and I did the same to her. As usual, her son needed to use the potty, so they headed down to the restrooms. We were getting ready to leave anyway, but I felt that I needed to stay until they returned because I was debating asking her for her phone number so I could stay in touch with her. We hung around for a few minutes and I kept my eye out for her. I didn't see her coming back - maybe they had gone straight to their car and I had missed the opportunity to ask. So, me and the kids headed towards the parking lot. Ah ha! There she was heading our way. Oddly, even though I am a very social person and I seem to never have a hard time striking up conversation, I feel SO awkward asking a woman for her number so we can arrange a future play date. It's like asking a guy for his number back when I was in high school - just uncomfortable. But I felt like I needed to ask her. So...

"Would you like for me to take your number so I can call you next time we head out to the playground? Maybe you guys could meet us here?" I asked...

"Yes, I'd love that....I really could use a friend" she blurted out as she fought back tears (upon seeing her try and hide them brought tears to my own eyes....which I of course tried to hide).

I fumbled to get out my phone and get her numbers as she explained that before they moved here they lived with her parents and her son was used to getting lots of attention from mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and now that they were here it was just him and her. Her husband was practically already gone, and she and her son were over 20 hours from her family. She just needed a friend in this new city. The whole time we talked, I could see the tears in her eyes.

As I drove away, I thanked God for His whispers to my heart....ask her for her number...."But, I should just mind my own business. I don't have to befriend EVERYONE I meet"....ask her...there she is, ask her...

He had it all planned. He knew that she needed a friend. He knew that I was the one she was there at the playground to meet. He knew that I would indeed ask her. He knew that we both needed a friend. Praise Him for His goodness and love! Wow, I love this God.

Have a similar story? Post it as a comment so we can all enjoy His love to you!


  1. Randi, your day brought tears to my eyes. I love you and i'm so glad that the Lord has been bringing you so much strength.

  2. I know you think everyone says you are such a good writer... but you are an even better listener... to Him. Continue to let God lead your heart and your days. I love a good love story...and your love for our Lord and His love for you are evident in your daily walk.
